Sunday, 8 November 2009

Tube, train and automobile

This has been an epic week. I have become extremely versatile when it comes to leaf chasing (which makes me very hungry). I am also the same colour as the leaves. We have had lots of leaf walks in Bishops Park where I must admit I have been getting a bit distracted. I think my Mum needs to step up the calibre of treats as when I am chatting or jumping all over a new friend she needs to realise she is not the only one who has an agenda.
She also is in the doghouse for introducing me to Ted. She thought Ted being a Norfolk terrier would naturally want to be friends but he is a grumpy old man and even though I really tried to like him he was just a bit too aggressive. I think he must have some phobia, not enough affection phobia, or more likely too much affection. He is clearly used to getting his own way. I don't think that's the way to be even though I am young and haven't worked it all out yet I think Ted could use a bit of give and take. He rolled me over and my Mum didn't like his tone - she suddenly whisked me up by my lead and I was swinging at the end of it. Boy was I glad to get my feet on the ground.
The next day we left with a real sense of purpose and lots of my toys in a bag. I was being carried and we went at quite a pace until we got to some metal gates that didn't work. I've since found out that my Mum's oyster card needed charging up. Finally we went through the gates and up some stairs and there was a huge scary hole. Then whoosh a mechanical dragon came steaming through.
Oops got to go and play now I need to chase my squeaky slipper...... (to be continued..)

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