My favourite things for chasing are: butterflies, low flying birds, rabbits, disguised sticks, anything that moves.
My favourite other things for chasing are hosepipes (attacking really), lawn mowers, anything that moves.
My favourite things for absconding with are pants, socks, tissues, anything lying around.
I did not know it could be hot. This is my first experience of warm weather and I like to lie in the sun keeping an eye out for action.
Sadly being so energetic had a bit of a setback when the parents took me camping in Dorset. We had a big canvas tent and I had my bed but it was so freeeezing I had to go under the main duvet. That was very cosy.
The next day we went to the beach. I did not get how the water came and went. Came and went. At first when I barked it went away but then it came back again.
Then I got pretty confident scrambling on the rocks. My parents were lying on the rocks and my Mum had my lead around her wrist. I was keeping guard but then this nosey dog came so I jumped off the rock and somehow wacked by paw. Ouch it hurt. That was the end of the beach.